Daily Hummus Bowl
Here’s the thing with this recipe, it has kale in it… But before you throw your computer out the window, this is how you make kale taste good. I’ve said a million times that I believe if you don’t like a particualar food, most of the time it’s just because you haven’t had it prepared correctly or in a way that actually tastes good. I too don’t want to eat boring tasteless food! And I don’t. I love food, I enjoy the flavours and I enjoy eating and this is why I like cooking. I don’t have some crazy passion for cooking, I just like eating, and I like eating tasty food.
“So Liv, I get that to feel the best, we need to look after our guts and we need to eat anti-inflammatory, but… WTF do you actually eat?!”. I get this all the time.
The thing is, a long time ago I decided I was over the “what do I eat stress”. So. Over. It. That said, food has a major impact on my mental health so I know I need to take extra care when it comes to what I eat. After all, if you don’t have happiness, what do you have… But I could no longer dedicate 90% of my brain power to thinking about what to have for lunch on Tuesday… I had more important things to put that mental energy towards.
It was around this time I learnt about the habit loop (from a book called The Power Of Habit which has been pivotal in my self development journey), so basically I thought well if I can just make every eating decision on autopilot, I’ll effortlessly be able to maintain a level of physical and mental health that I’m happy with (which for me are very high standards… I have pretty high expectations out of my life experience haha sue me). And that’s exactly what’s happened. Eating well is effortless, enjoyable and easy, whether I’m at home, at friends places, out to eat or travelling, there is no more struggle).
Anyway I know you’re here for the recipe so I won’t bore you with my life story. But if it does interest you I go into far more detail in my eBook Made. It’s basically my formula for building a bowl that I use for every single meal.

Daily Hummus Bowl

I don’t want to eat boring tasteless food! I love food, I enjoy the flavours and I enjoy eating and this is why I like cooking. I don’t have some crazy passion for cooking, I just like eating, and I like eating tasty food.

Prep time:
15 minutes
Cook time:
0 minutes
- 1 bunch asparagus, woody ends removed
- 2 field mushrooms
- ½ bunch kale, leaves removed and roughly torn or chopped
- ½ lemon, juiced OR ½ tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 can tuna in olive oil
- 1 hefty dollop Paleo Beet Hummus
- 1 tbsp pine nuts, toasted in a dry pan
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Sea salt and pepper
Tahini Drizzle (to serve 1)
- 1 tbsp tahini
- ½ lemon, juiced
- Big pinch salt
- Preheat the oven to 180°C.
- Place the asparagus and mushrooms in a baking tray, coat in olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place in the oven for 20 minutes while you prepare the remaining ingredients.
- Prepare the kale by placing it in a large bowl with a dash of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, a drizzle of olive oil (about 1/2 tablespoon) and a generous pinch of salt. Using your hands, toss the kale to ensure it is coated. Massage the kale by squeezing it between your fingers and palms, don’t be afraid to be a little rough. You’ll notice the kale starts to breakdown, decreases in size and becomes glossy and soft.
- Prepare the tahini drizzle by mixing all ingredients in a small bowl with 1 tbsp (20ml) of water.
- Assemble the bowl with a big dollop of hummus, the massaged kale, the roasted asparagus and mushrooms and top with tuna, the tahini drizzle and a sprinkle of toasted pinenuts!
- Nut free option: Omit the pine nuts from this recipe.
- Vegetarian/Vegan option: Remove the tuna or switch it out for your favourite vegan protein.